HomeLife StylePrime Minister Narendra Modi's Meeting With Sarpanchs of Various Gram Panchayat

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Meeting With Sarpanchs of Various Gram Panchayat

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Meeting With Various Gram Panchayat

On the occasion of National Panchayat Raj Day , 24th April 2020 Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with various gram panchayats through a video conference because right now our country is under lockdown to contain the corona virus outbreak.

It was on April 24,1993 the constitution 73rd Amendment act came into force to the institutionalisation of Panchayati Raj.

Modi said the Coronavirus pandemic is giving us new challenges which our country never faced before, but it also made people strong and learn new things.

He said to the Sarpanchs  that even a single man’s carelessness can put whole village in dander, so we have to be very carefull about it. He also asked to the Sarpanchs that people must be fed up, and wondering why i am asking them to stay at home? They must be angry at me?

He repeatedly reminding the sarpanchs about Social Distancing or ” Do Gaaj  Doori ”  massage to make easy to understand for villagers, and said this is for our protection only.

video conference with sarpanchs

Our panchayats have to be strong, because a strong panchayat will ensure a stronger democracy. Rural india has actually shown the rest of the country how to stay strong and positive in a crisis situation.

We are launching an application for Gram Panchayat called E-Gram Swaraj. This application will help in settling of property desputes. This app will be the a single platform for all digital needs of gram panchayat. Common public can easily watch and monitor progress of a project through their mobile phones. This will increase transparency of gram panchayat .

Villagers can also take loan from bank  through this app. Drone system will be provided for property mapping to the Panchayats.

Initially this will starts in six states including Uttar Pradesh,Maharashtra,Karnataka, Haryana,Madhya Pradesh and Uttarakhand for trail. After that gradually rolled out to other states as well as for better implementation.

The goverment has worked strenuously to improve the operations at panchayats. Few years ago less than 100 panchayats had broadband connections. Now more than 1.25 lakh panchayats have broadband.

PM Modi said it is true that corona virus pandemic situation has created new problems in our lives. We have learnt  so many lessons. But the biggest lesson we have learnt from this crisis is that we should become self-dependent.

Corona virus has changed everything in our lives. It change the way we work, we used to meet in person at every event. But now we have to video conferencing for such occasion. Through technology lakhs of sarpanchs and panchayat members are connected today. Many panchayats have got awarded for their work perfomances.


Miss Samy
Miss Samyhttps://theflashtimes.com
Miss Samy is an Author and Co- Founder of this company named The Flash Times. Before she started writing blogs and articles for Flash Times, she used to work in Health Care Sector saving other peoples lives. Then she decides to follow her dreams. She is a website designer, administrative, an amazing blog writer. Her latest work you can read in www.TheFlashTimes.com


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